
Jack of All Trades...

Master of none,
though offtimes better than master of one.

I'm beginning to think my varying interests that stretch across many disciplines which I once believed were a huge asset are now a hindrance. At this point in my life, I'm moving from one stage to the next and need to choose the path I will take for the remainder of my life. Having a variety of interests to pursue gives me a plethora options but it also can be quite overwhelming at times. I feel like if I don't make the right choice now then I won't be as happy as I could, will always think what if, or will eventually switch and have to start over. Self-inflicted pressure always seems to be my problem although I think I can handle it.

Also, another problem I see if that I feel like my skill set in any one area is not where it should be, particularly if it were my sole focus. If I'm drawing one day, taking photographs the next, writing after that, playing music the one after that, working on design projects the following day, tinkering with computers the next, and so on and so forth, then I feel like I'm spreading myself too thin. It's not an issue of time management, it's an issue of hours spent working in a particular area. If I'm dividing my time between too many areas, then I think I'm robbing myself of the opportunity to become great in any one of them. Which is my goal, to one day be great. Practice makes perfect and developing skills take time. My solution is to pick one area and make that my sole focus for a while and where on projects in other areas a lot less frequently. I will only read books and blogs on this topic so I don't waste time online, only buy tools in line with this discipline, only frequent forums in this discipline, etc. But which one to make my sole pursuit?