
Treacherous Three

So yeah... two of mi favorite peeps came to visit me this weekend. YAY! The Treacherous Three Reunion Tour. For those of you who didn't get tickets... what a shame. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. You don't know what you missed. Anyway... It was fun, but they are such a distraction. I didn't get any work done this weekend. I had a midterm in French this morning. Don't ask. I have a problem set due in about 5 hours. (It's really hard!) Oh yeah... I was supposed have at least 1000 words of my 3000 word essay written last night. Guess how many I have. And it's due on Wednesday. This all-nighter thing is really getting old. But let me get back to work. Tuo Ecaep!

1 comment:

Rainha Diana said...

YEAHHHHHH!!!! Sorry I didn't get to spend more time with you guys!!!