
Unfulfilled Promises

What am I talking about. I would say the title speaks for itself. I'm tired hearing the words "...I promise..." and nothing comes to fruition. It's bringing me to a point where if a statement is preceded by, followed by, or includes the words "I promise," I don't believe it. I don't even want to hear it. That's so sad. Promises are sacred. Especially pinky promises. When you pinky promise someone, at that very moment, you're making a lifetime commitment to honor that promise. All you have is your word, when people lose faith in that... You have nothing. No wonder why I don't trust people. They break pinky promises.

1 comment:

Artistic Mind Spiritual Soul said...

well i index finger promise that i will always love you and you will always be my fav sis n law in the whole wide world...cross my heart hope to die, stick a needle in my eye! Love u sis