So I realize that I haven't blogged in a while. And it's not because I've been way too busy, but it has been the usual...I've been being me, a lazy bum. Ah's not like I can turn back the hands of time and post more.
I've had a lot of stuff on my mind lately. I've mostly been thinking about my future, and I've found out that I'm slightly worried about it. Only slightly (^_^). I'll be a junior in the fall. Then there's graduation a year after that. Although, I might have to be here an extra semester or two since I changed my major.
Anyway, I've been trying to figure out what I want do as far as a career. I always say I don't want a 9 to 5 or a regular job, and that still holds. While I feel the need for freedom, I also feel the pull of practicality. So, lately I've been leaning (at a very sharp angle I might add) towards becoming an art teacher. I've been trying to find ways to go from a philosophy degree to art to education as a master's. Should I get a graduate degree in art history or studio art and then get teacher certification? Or should I go to a program that has art education as a graduate degree (those are few and far between) and take the extra year of foundation courses in art history and studio art? I know I need formal training in art to teach it. Just having a smidgen of talent isn't enough. Anyway, I want formal training. Actually, I've been craving it and trying to figure out how to work it into my schedule.
Ah well...Peace
k i kno im like super late but this is my first time getting on my computer since i been out of school n i dont kno how to get on here on someone elses....anyhoot....about the education thingy...i think if u want to become an art teacher and art is your passion it would be best to major in art n get your certification in teaching...but the u have to be careful cuz its tricky nowadays because they on this whole trip about highly qualified teachers n crap n they making all these teachers go back to school...but trying to get certified u wont have to take as many edu courses as i do but u will have to more classes than expected...but thats one thing i could help u with if u want i can tell u alot about it...if u tryna go that route but i can honestly say it is a rewarding experience n it is a profession that will keep u on your toes n u will never have a dull moment n plus u impact a young persons its kinda cool...n we both kno neither of us like kids but dealing wit art u will mostly be dealing with secondary or higher learning u teaching art will be a good way of u to get people see the world from your point of view n it will allow others to use art as a gateway from wutever their issue is in life...cuz these crazi kids need it....but ill save this convo for another day...sorri the comment is so long this is just something im kinda passionate about!!!!lol
Follow your heart joi! You know how i feel just be wendi...I'm not worried about you because i know your going to be great in whatever it is you do. And you don't have smidge a talent you have more than that bc you have enough that I admire and appreciate you as an artist and a friend! love ya
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