

Have you ever been on Wikipedia looking one thing up and that a few minutes later you end up on something totally unrelated (it seems) through the serious of links you clicked. That's how my mind works. I could be in the middle of a conversation and then I blurt out some random thought I just had and then proceed to explain my thought pattern of how I got there. Usually it's quite funny, at least to me :-), but most people wonder how in the world did you connect that and that and that, only you Wendi. My mind works so fast, sometimes I miss things and I end up thinking how the hell did I get here and then I laugh at myself. I enjoy the fact that my mind works like this and can make zany connections from almost anything, I think it helps with my creativity. Anyway...

tuO ecaeP

1 comment:

Unknown said...

six degrees of seperation but in my mind its more like 36 degrees