Full Moon
The moon itself.
The moon poking through the clouds.
More clouds with the moon. (This is actually a composite image because I had to overexpose to get the right light on the clouds and that blew out the detail in the moon. So I photoshopped a plain moon over the blown out moon and voila!)
Ya Know...
That is all. Peace.
Chasing Perfection While Standing Still
This is how I feel sometimes, especially when writing. It really plagues me. I want my first attempt to be perfect for some reason, even if it's something trivial or something that only my eyes will see. I know I'm anal, but this is beyond that.
Take my sketchbooks or my journals for example, there is a very particular way that I lay them out, the handwriting must be smooth and flawless because I hate strikethroughs, but I hate white out even more. I always think ahead to when all that's left of me are the things I've written and drawn; I want those things to represent me in a good light, the best light. At least I think that may be the reason behind this craziness.
What's the problem with wanting to be perfect or near-perfect? Nothing really, except that in my desire for perfection, I stifle my production. I get stuck in the planning and brainstorming phases coming up with what I think are wonderful ideas, but never putting pen or colored pencil to paper because I don't want it to come out wrong. This is the main reason why it takes me so long to finish essays for class, post to my blog, or add to my portfolio. I want my first attempt to be perfect so there's lots of self-implied pressure that I have to overcome.
I really hate that I'm like this so I have been trying to let loose and let it flow. To get my papers done, I have to fool myself by typing my rough and final drafts in note-taking software instead of directly into Word. The crazy part is, I like what I write the first time around so there's really no need to change anything, but I wouldn't be able to write that if I had started in Word. I'm crazy. I need to get over this quickly before I have nothing to show for my life. I need to stop letting my fear of failure halt my progress. Any suggestions?
Blizzard 2010
It's been snowing off and on in DC for the past couple of weeks. It's really quite beautiful, aside from the hazardous nature of driving on snow and ice-covered roads, power outages, and roofs collapsing from the weight of the snow.
The snow looks so peaceful as it gathers on my windowsill. But if you look up, you'll see this.
It's still beautiful and takes my breath away. I love the snow.
This Year...
I'm not going to let school or other issues hinder me from doing the things I want to do. If I just complete my assignments quickly and stop procrastinating because it's not interesting or it's not what I want to do, I would have more time to do the things I really want to do. So knock the school stuff out the way and then do the fun stuff.(Although some of this school stuff is kinda hard. THESIS!!!!!)
I have realized that everyday offers a chance to start over and re-evaluate your progress. So, I'm starting today and if I don't do it right, I can start over tomorrow. Eventually, I'll make it happen.
Peace Out